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T2024 Spring session is over🙂Thank you.

How we practice?

Spring Session



Fall Session

(Sep-Nov) +



Online Practice





Online Practice


The first writing of the year

※Online Practice = Voluntary Classes (No teaching / No charge)

We only have two sessions per year: Spring and Fall sessions. This is because Summer and Winter are the busy holiday season or vacation time. However, to improve our Shodo skills, we meet on-line voluntarily and practice together periodically without any charge.  

 Shodo Sessions  

- 2 Sessions / year (SpringFall) + Online Practice together (Summer・Winter)

■ Saturdays - Bi-weekly

■ 6 classes  ■ 1h 30mins

■ Beginners: 9:00am~/ Intermediate: 10:15am~

■ @Sevier Park Community Center(see the map→)

■ 13 year old + (ask if you want to learn with your younger kids)

■ $65/person

 Teaching Method 

What is the difference between Shuji and Shodo?  Shuji-習字 is learning calligraphy and drawing precisely based on Otehon. Shodo-書道 is drawing calligraphy artistically with your own style.

My teaching method is a mix of Shuji and Shodo.  I would like you to learn Shuji first beause Shuji is basic to understanding the structure of letters which is very important for moving up to Shodo as the next step! 

Unique approach! Beyond Shodo!

Shodo 書道 is Art!

 I add some Sumi-e techniques into Shodo pieces.  Students create their own designs! 

                                                              (See their pieces →)

 Shodo Courses  

1. Beginner

For those who have never learned Shodo before or learned Shodo only for few years. Someone who really wants to learn Shodo at the very basic level. It is OK if you are not familiar with Japanese Hiragana and Kanji(Chinese Characters). We also practice your Hiragana name.

2. Intermediate (rank: 10級(kyuu), 9, 8, 7,6,5,4,3,2,準1,1級)

Someone who has learned Shodo before for more than three years and has a basic knowledge or finished the beginner session. Kanji name will be provided and practice your name first.

3. Advanced (初段〜)

Someone who has finished the intermediate session.